International Women's Day 2020

Everyone, everywhere can help and get involved to help forge women’s equality.

Today we celebrate international women’s day! This day celebrates women’s achievements, growth and development in every aspect of life.

This day has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911. So let’s celebrate all the amazing women in our own lives and beyond!

I also have hugely inspiring men in my life that provide the best support, allowing me to flourish and achieve my best! Surrounding yourself with your own team of cheerleaders and being a cheerleader for others is vital to your own and others development and by creating a supportive network it allows us to all work together and value everyone around us.

There are so many amazingly inspirational women in the creative hub of Dundee, leading the way in their own fields nationally and internationally.

Personally Influential women in my life are:

My sister – Christy Guthrie: Christy has taught me to constantly believe in myself and to integrate positive affirmations into my daily routine.

My mum has taught me to have confidence within myself and to never give up on my own dream.

My dad, drew and my twin brother, Adam, have taught me to be persistent and to constantly work towards my goals, both personally and in business terms.

And finally everyone else around me you don’t realise how far one word of encouragement or support can go!

Below are me, my sister, my mum and my gran support the #eachforequal campaign by posing in the International Women’s day stance!

jolene guthrie